A door …

1portaWe start from a text Reuben Alves:

Among the many profound things that Sartre said , this is more than love : ” No matter what they did to you What matters is what you do with what they have done with you. . ” Stop . Read that again . And think . Do you regret this evil that life is making you , the loneliness . If Sartre is right, that evil may be the place where you will plant your garden .

How does your loneliness behaves ? Or perhaps giving a spin on the question: How do you behave with your loneliness ? What are you doing with your loneliness? When you regret , you’re saying that I would get rid of her , she is suffering, sickness, an enemy … Learn this : things are the names we give it. If I call my loneliness enemy , it is my enemy . But you can call her a friend ? Drummond thinks so : ” For a long time I thought that the absence is missing / E lamented , ignorant , lack / no regret Today / There is no shortage in the absence Absence is one sitting on me / And I feel . . . . . the white , so footprint, snuggled in my arms , / that river and dance invention and joyful exclamations , / because the absence , this absence assimilated , / nobody steals over me. “

We must pay attention to everything that comes to us for information, we always find gems that open the door to a new world.

20140101_134702 1porta

1portaWhere is this new world? We can open the door to this new world?
Let’s see, that loneliness should be understood as moments in which we received a call from our inner and try to escape it.
Inside we have a hidden gem and we can find these moments, say loneliness. The same life is within us and not that we live in this world of contrasts between good and evil.

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