O filme da vida – The life’s movie

Assistimos os filmes e muitos nos deixam pensando ao final sobre as possibilidades caso o filme tivesse continuado. Afinal, eles ficaram juntos para sempre? Como no Blue Jasmine que termina e eu pergunto ela foi ou não foi. Agora, no filme da minha vida como é, como será o final. Ou afinal, o que levo da vida. Saudades, amores, dissabores, alegrias. O ideal seria fazer um balanço e surpreendentemente poderia chegar a conclusão de que nada aconteceu, apenas o tempo passou, os amores passaram, as tristezas, alegrias. Com certeza vai faltar alguma coisa. Como se leva a vida por levar normalmente sem viver os momentos em plena consciência muitas decisões não deveriam ter sido tomadas, em outras situações a decisão até pode ter sido acertada. Um coisa é certa, sempre falamos muito e muito. Acumulamos informações e causas não vividas e precisamos descarregar. E coitado de quem  está próximo de nós. É difícil ouvir, mais fácil seria falar. E quando temos o poder de falar, bem, sai de baixo. Temos orgulho de nós mesmos e falamos cada vez mais. E causamos muito mal, sem bem que algumas vezes até acertamos. Caso mantivéssemos a boca fechada seria melhor ainda. E alguém famoso quando fala atinge muita gente. O importante é assistir cada cena de nossa vida no seu momento, curtir e se cabe decisão que seja em plena consciência analisando todas as variáveis e decidindo o necessário, somente o necessário. A vida fica mais colorida, o filme terá um final correto e exalaremos amor, sabedoria e transcendência.


Traduzindo dentro das possibilidades: We watched movies and many leave us thinking about the possibilities at the end if the movie had continued . After all, they were together forever ? As in Blue Jasmine ending and I wonder she was or was not . Now , in the movie of my life is like , how it will look . Or anyway , which carry life . Longing, loves, disappointments , joys . Ideally take stock and surprisingly could reach the conclusion that nothing happened , only the time spent , spent loves , sorrows , joys . Definitely miss something. As if life takes lead times normally without living mindfully many decisions should not have been taken in other situations the decision may even have been right . One thing is certain , and we always talk very much. Accumulated information and unlived causes and need to unload. And I pity anyone who is close to us . It is difficult to hear , it would be easier to talk . And when we have the power to speak as well , comes from below . We are proud of ourselves and we talk more and more. And we cause much harm , no well until we hit a few times . If we kept her mouth shut would be even better . And when someone famous speech reaches many people . The important thing is to watch every scene of our life on your time , enjoy, and if it fits decision that is mindfully analyzing all variables and deciding what is necessary , just enough . Life is more colorful , the movie will have a correct final and we perspire love, wisdom and transcendence .

A door …

1portaWe start from a text Reuben Alves:

Among the many profound things that Sartre said , this is more than love : ” No matter what they did to you What matters is what you do with what they have done with you. . ” Stop . Read that again . And think . Do you regret this evil that life is making you , the loneliness . If Sartre is right, that evil may be the place where you will plant your garden .

How does your loneliness behaves ? Or perhaps giving a spin on the question: How do you behave with your loneliness ? What are you doing with your loneliness? When you regret , you’re saying that I would get rid of her , she is suffering, sickness, an enemy … Learn this : things are the names we give it. If I call my loneliness enemy , it is my enemy . But you can call her a friend ? Drummond thinks so : ” For a long time I thought that the absence is missing / E lamented , ignorant , lack / no regret Today / There is no shortage in the absence Absence is one sitting on me / And I feel . . . . . the white , so footprint, snuggled in my arms , / that river and dance invention and joyful exclamations , / because the absence , this absence assimilated , / nobody steals over me. “

We must pay attention to everything that comes to us for information, we always find gems that open the door to a new world.

20140101_134702 1porta

1portaWhere is this new world? We can open the door to this new world?
Let’s see, that loneliness should be understood as moments in which we received a call from our inner and try to escape it.
Inside we have a hidden gem and we can find these moments, say loneliness. The same life is within us and not that we live in this world of contrasts between good and evil.